How To Get More Followers On Instagram By Targeting Competitors’ Customers.

So who's ready to crush 2022 say aye  very good okay I got something very  exciting in store today for you so my  name is Zenon I'm hundred percent  Singaporean I'm just gonna do a quick  sharing a little bit about my story  before I go on to a little bit of  strategies that it's gonna be exciting  today all right so today we're going to  talk about how to actually dominate your  market while charging premium prices how  many would love to charge premium prices  for your business  awesome so here's a little bit story  about me so in 2014 I quit on my job and  you know as a teacher in school so I was  unemployed at a part-time buy at this  little dream and a little dream whilst I  should be Instagram influence so I just  saw a lot of friends you know they were  like you know Instagram influencers are  pretty cool so I was like hey I should I  wanted to be something like that so one  day I had a business friend who actually  owns a tailoring business so he came up  to me and he said like hey can you  actually help me to grow my Instagram  account I would like to actually have a  little bit of followers for myself so I  was like okay cool I went to do a little  bit of research having to grow as a car  long story cut short make sure having  grow his account and I was like hey cool  this seems like a very cool business so  I she went up to register this company  called Fame up and that was actually in  2014 and I was like a you know like I'm  gonna get started on this but what came  shortly after that was there in the  first two years we were actually  struggling really really badly like we  had like almost like very little sales  we were doing very badly and you know we  were like struggling so we taught our  self hey if we actually charge really  low prices then our competitors maybe we  could get more customers well long we  did that we do make sure get clients we  get a few by was a really tough and with  the low prices we were charging  we're literally difficult to literally  survive in our business  so in short a lot and we are like you  know for the two years we are like hey  how  you know like we do something to  actually know like some crazy idea to  actually do for business so that you  know like maybe you know we have a  change around and we actually  implemented some strategies time of the  share if you later we were like going to  fail anyway so why don't we just do  something cool and today we actually  have served more than three thousand  clients worldwide wore white and like us  in Singapore and Malaysia basically in  all verticals we serve like public  figures seminars in those celebrities  fashion and retail e-commerce and these  are some of our clients I'm gonna show  you a view exactly what we do I'm not  gonna go so much into my so I'm just  gonna talk about you know it's not  takeaways you can should take away today  are you guys ready awesome so one common  question that people like to ask is that  you know how many of you agree that in  every industry in regardless is you know  its affiliate marketing is ecommerce you  know any car product we are in it's  actually pretty saturated in today's  were not many people so I guess you guys  must be really high okay so you know  every market is a really very saturated  in our market like I was realizing that  we were facing so many competitors in in  our country back in Singapore and we  were like thinking like how can I  actually we were like constantly asking  ourselves how can he may actually be  ahead of our competitors you know like  to be like in a six five five eager  six-figure seven-figure zone and this  was a question they asked us I realized  that this was actually a very bad  question that a lot of people like to  ask themself because answer is you  actually don't do that you don't  actually try to be a half our  competitors because when you chase your  competitors you always be behind them  nothing about it does it make sense that  you know if today you try to you know do  what your competitors do you try to  charge the occult prices you try to  success you know I think I'm pretty cool  if like a lot of people saying that a I  want to success model to be like  business a business be I want to  crossref is pretty cool but why I really  feel we need is that we need something  more than just that - actually you know  distinguish yourself and be ahead of  your competitors what I really feel is  that you know in the in the in the  overview of dominating a market there's  a three three major steps and the first  one is actually to really fire your  customers to pinpoint now what do I mean  by  customers troop in poi look I think a  lot of business do very well in  identified pinpoints you know that you  you look out combat us what campaign  parts are talking about you know you  take out you take it out and they try to  apply in a business but what I feel  there's a lack in today's business war  is that people are actually not  realizing what is the true pinpoint of  their customers I'll go into this  shortly alright so second is to actually  know how to actually charge in command  premium prices how many all love to  charge premium prices to your clients  you know like increasing our AOV and  everything great and third point is  where as you how your catchy become at  or tea in your business regardless is  you know ecommerce affiliate marketing  or anything so finding customers to  pinpoint it's something that's very  close to my heart because this is what  they really made our business had a  turnaround and the first thing that we  have to identify is that we have to  understand to ask yourself this question  you know in your market in an issue in  the vertical in what is actually  important by actually forgotten in your  market let me give you an example so  banal industry what we do is that we  have to grow Instagram accounts right so  compels ABCDE you know to like total how  many competitors they will I a because  increase your followers we can actually  bring more sales for you there are tons  of agencies doing and agencies of very  competitive business so we were like hey  in 2016 I'll just sitting down and  trying to think about you know why it's  actually something that can be  distinguished from my competitors itself  so ask myself this question why is a  chief important but forgotten in this  industry that people are not using so  one thing I realize back then is that my  competitors were like you know very into  pain 2016 over the Instagram trend was  like up they were very into influencer  marketing influences shallow things like  that so I start to ask myself question  why do those brands actually look for  those influencers and I realized that  because they wanted a formal social  critic credibility for a business in  what authorities sounds like wow and I  just had this like revelation thinking  like I just tried it out so I went to  tell my customers instead of I he I can  increase our followers increase our  sales  what I tell them is that hey I can  actually make make you become famous you  know influences I can make you the  influencer of  the business war I can make you the top  of industry in the Instagram war so  actually that's how we position  ourselves and just because of one simple  differentiation we were able to you know  be unique enough in a way that our  clients actually don't compare us with  other competitors alright  so second thing is to actually well the  way it's actually like unique technology  let us say today you have a certain  recipe you know you have a certain  technology of a product that is cool of  course this doesn't apply to our  business but if you have this is  something that actually is very good and  taught what a lot of people don't  realize is that you know you know like  especially like let's say in drop  shipping you know in industries like  this what I realized a lot about my  clients that those that were really  really doing well starting more than  3,000 clients you know how they are to  do their brand how they are do their  business  everyone said do those good businesses  actually have a personal story to tell  now I'm a right to say that personal  story is one of the only way where you  actually unique to yourself where you're  compilers can never replicate you okay  so one thing you have to understand is  that people actually you know they buy  emotions but they re convinced they can  convince themselves with logic later on  so story is one very powerful way you  know like what a sovereign so easy to  actually convince your clients that hey  is she to give us a try because you know  people like to buy things from people  that they feel similar to and the fourth  way to actually you know hit a pin point  is to achieve a tribal of her feel like  you don't have a movement cutting let me  give an example so but in our business  when actual clients come about are with  us we don't just you know leave it there  so we tell them like hey we welcome to  you to our family we you are a hundred  first exclusive clients and because of  that we are going to give you this value  this value this value and you know we  literally you know let them be proud  then feel proud of being of our as a  client being powerful community as well  so this is a more true pinpoints let me  give an example using mooncake so how  many of you know what's a mooncake great  so in Chinese you know which Chinese in  Singapore especially we have some  festival called the mid-autumn festival  where we actually celebrate you know  we play fireworks and we actually eat  like moon cakes as a you know form a  celebration occasion so one thing I  realize about Monica industry in  Singapore back then was they I realized  that it was very very very saturated  competitive market I remember going to  this exhibition back in Singapore and I  was trying to buy moon cake I went to  like ten twenty fifty hundred stores and  I realized that oh then the moon cake  they still about the same and they were  like no charging it may be about the  same price so I was like really having a  hard time making a decision until I saw  one of the brand that really stood out  and I was very my blown by let me show  you  so this brand was called golden moment  now everyone know that you know a lot of  competitors they try to you know focus a  lot the taste  how healthy the moon cake is things like  this but this brand really stood out and  it was very my blowing because they'd no  longer just focus on the taste of the  moon cake but instead they were selling  emotions they was telling you about  family time and this was a very  fantastic true pinpoint because why  people I was I thinking white people I  should my moon cake I mean it's like $10  for a cake that tastes like very sweet  and it's like quite disgusting and why  would people be willing to pay so much  for it so this this is company did a  very good job at like you know people  buy moon cake because they want to give  it to their loved ones they wanna eat it  our family and this company just focus  on you know like the family time you  have you know once you buy a moon cake  alright so this is why I mean buy  something that is important but  forgotten so in your business you're the  really thing of a way to actually like  identify that now did I touch on unique  technology if you just look at this like  so like Premium Gold us you know 100%  pure emotion of emotion wise account  durian by the way or healthy bamboo  chuckles to snow skin so it was very my  blowing like evens very simple things  like moon cake can have such a  technology behind it you know I think  technology is something that it's not  just about having a beta the technology  or something that has to be very you  know highly technological advanced but  it can be something very simple buys you  know it depends on how you phrase it and  these are things that can make you just  stand out they also focus on your  personal story emotions of course they  have a story  lastly is there I really like is that  you know we're about inspiring golden  family time so when people buy a new  hideout howling is essentially people  hey you're actually part of our golden  family that's that's just pretty cool  because people like to be part of  something so another example is a  meditation niche how many of you I have  this brain called Quantum Jumping okay  some of you so it's actually by I think  by my very so what really might blows me  about this brand is that um you know in  the meditation space it's also very  saturated market where everyone you know  it's I talking about hey how can I  actually meditate better how can I  meditate 2x but that reacts better facts  but a 10x but also everyone's just doing  this you know how ki should be inner  peace how can I be more productive la  blah blah blah but this brain really  stood out and was really successful  because they were no longer just talking  about hey I can meditate we can make a  meditate better and things at it but  they were tapping on they were telling  you that you know hey I can make you tap  into alternate universe and that's  actually the very powerful pain why  because when people meditate what they  really wanted was you know to really  reach a high level and lights women and  things like that so this brand really  really really really stood out very much  and this is another brand that maybe  some of your her love is called italic  so you know it's in the luxury niche  where in all life there's a common pain  power of people buying luxury goods but  they can't really afford it because it's  like kind of expensive sometimes so what  this brand does is that this company  does is that he actually tells you that  you can essentially buy those luxury  brand bags literally from the direct  factory itself where actually you know  mass-produce it so for like maybe one  tenth of the price so it was a troop in  part they were trying to solve so I'm  just giving a little bit of example  cases of how you know how all this can  be applied itself alright next so this  is something very close to my heart  because when we were charging really the  lowest prices in the whole market what  we really face is that we were facing a  very hard time you know like trying to  survive because we are barely profiting  and things like this and the first part  - one is there when you actually want to  charge premium prices  to really understand how to actually  focus on just one product or service  now one product one service can be one  niche can be one category or product but  try not to lie you know especially for  agencies like I realized a lot agencies  that reason why they were an officer  what they weren't able to replicate us  is because they were trying to do many  things you're trying to hide your face  why do you chew I do this I do that and  they actually it's very messy because  the consideration factor for people to  actually consider to be your client it's  actually longer cause now people have  more things to think about so when you  kid on business simple neat and clean  people can understand your business very  easily and make a decision really quick  so second thing this is a little bit  funny because our back game where each  having really low price I told her hey  you know people are going to like hey  buy from us because like we are cheap  and there was what it was all about but  strangely we actually face more  customers to this problem where we  should charge like very cheap price  versus like prices there were like ten  times higher so it was something that I  couldn't really understand but it kind  of makes sense because how many of you  actually remember you know like you know  the the the street food you eat and  compared to a very expensive restaurant  you eat so one thing I realized it about  premium prices is that it's no longer  just about you know having higher  profits having higher aov but it  actually matters in conversion too  because when you charge premium prices  like maybe two times three times higher  than 80% of our competitors it becomes  very powerful because people no longer  see us you know they're 80 90 percent it  don't compel you on the same space you  don't compare like a street food and a  restaurant because you see them has  stood completely different categories so  my my tip is that depending on industry  is to actually go for like at least  fifty percent or two times higher prices  there are competitors because like you  know in every then most of the clients I  do I see like those really really  successful and being recognized because  like when people just spend a lot of  money on your product they where she  can't be more profit you start to spread  their friends and you know that kind of  effect and so there was a current in  fact we receive where we decided to  actually increase our prices trust  tickly and it was just really strange  it's just somehow happened people no  longer compares if like a competitor a  competitor be compared see the jessie  has a completely different brand and  company alright I think it's pretty  important to invest in branding because  I think a lot of us you know we are just  so focus on I mean it's cool its  creative focus on marketing but I think  it's great to actually invest in  branding like I mean branding as it not  like in audio graphics and things like  I'm being I'm referring to more things  like your personal story your  copywriting you know what really makes  you different and don't be afraid to  actually try out very crazy way of  branding yourself because if you're  gonna try to be like everyone else  you're not gonna have like a unique  branding itself and lastly this is  something that's really very very close  to my heart it was learned from one of  Tony Robbins mentor comma shot rubber  not just some of you heard before so the  biggest takeaway I took from this guy is  that he focused on the importance of  client amasi in business now what do I  mean by client immerse they are no  longer talking about like having good  customer service anxiety these are all  fantastic is great but client clemency  is about bringing your customers and you  know your clients across a path you have  to really show them a path of let's say  you have with me what are you going to  see I gotta get how good we're gonna be  like in one year you can to your entry  or carved a of course this is more  applicable for agency but for e-commerce  it's about you know like having a fun  having a proper fan of products to  actually share with them so some of the  ways to build client amasi  can be like being very personable with  them like being a friend to them instead  of like no seeing there's a customer I  realize that a lot of us we try to you  know see our customers as like  money-making machines and things like  that but it's cool to you know someone  just treat them like a friend and you  know just once awhile we were actually  like give out gifts to our clients for  free  we were actually give them like free  consultation where learn something new  about industry we like share them  immediately and because of that they are  able to see us as a certain form of  authority and this is actually very  powerful because this is what they're  truly makes people stay with you and  return with you and because of this a  lot of our clients has been with us for  the last one two three  and most of agencies when you know you  do a retainer and solve things like that  after three six months they just jump to  another agency so these are things that  are the intangibles they actually let  clients at least a video let me give an  example so that's it today you sign up  for a Philly World Conference now a lot  of us of course tie up because we see  that hey there's this great speaker ABC  there's people at timbre others here and  inside pretty cool it's not like it's  value for money but what really you know  like like mix outside remember this  event is order you know like fantastic  setup that we all had all the great  support you know order like very great  books out here they actually like other  intangibles that let us feel like hey  this is like really really the thing for  me on becoming an authority this is  something I also want to touch on so  becoming Authority Allah I'm not  referring to like a view to be an author  you have to be like you know like have a  certain form of credibility crafting I'm  talking more about how you actually  whether it's an e-commerce of the agency  or company it's very important to  actually get very powerful companies and  influencers to actually endorse your  product I don't mean just like  influencer marketing whole thing but  think about it this way so back then  when we actually started we actually  have a lot of competitors and things ID  so you're like thinking like hey who are  some of the you know very influential  brands or people out there that you can  be endorsed us so that it can be very  powerful social proof for us the another  point on that passion is to really to  focus on dominating every demographic  before moving to another so what I mean  by this so that's it there's a lot of  people like you know when they want to  sell product they try to sell to many  county demographic as your agency you  try to you know have clients from all  kinds of industries but what one of the  way that actually we had success with  was to actually being very focused on a  certain demographic for example so when  we had a wedding client so let's see  when to focus on the wedding space and  we just like really just go to like you  know the most influential wedding  company in the vertical and we just tell  them that hey  we want to do marketing for you for free  of course when your new company no one  is going to let you know that consider  you and things like this but let's say  for a start we can tell them that hey  we're going to do a free marketing for  you all we ask is that if you do a good  job  just give us a great testimony but what  most people don't realize is that this  is very powerful because when you have  such a testimonial in here now you can  go to other smaller wedding companies  and tell them like hey this client is  with me and I could actually bring him  to bring them to this level if I can  bring them to the level so we can do  that same for you too and because of  this we were able to dominate every  single industry - you buy industry and  there's something what we call momentum  where we focus on a particular industry  instead of like having different  messages for all industries many  different pictures many different  selling propositions when you should  focus on this momentum you know people  are going to be paying that industry are  gonna hear about you really really very  quickly as a summary really focus on  finding your customers true pinpoint is  very important so before the NGOs I just  want to encourage you you know like to  take up the challenge of really just I  didn't trying to sit down and  identifying what I solve the pinpoints  of your customers that are not addressed  by 80% of your competitors on a deeper  self competitors but how you actually  can bring out this customers pinpoint  for emotional perspective to it and  actually branding as a selling  proposition branding as your marketing  anger this is very very very important  you know focus on what have unique  technology you can have depending on  your product depending on a focus on  your story focus on how you can build a  tribe of people how could how could you  turn your customers into a tribe and  charge premium prices I feel is a very  important because I have not really seen  any client that you know like among the  few thousands that had success by  charging really low prices among their  market because when you charge prices  are I refuse their customers and clients  don't respect you as who you know they  were they were charting like hey you're  so cheap you must be not good you must  like you must have a southern leg and  they so they said ok fella problem is  such a good friend take it started I  call you every night things like this  but the strange thing is once you charge  a really premium prices  people start to you know like respect  use people start to lie take you  seriously people start to like share  these with our friends because now they  can tell their friends like hey I'm  using like the best agencies are the  most expensive you'll have a tendency to  associate price you know the higher  price with better quality so this is a  human nature and focus on becoming an  authority by having a very focused  segment of your market and your vertical  so with that you know I really wish all  the best and look forward to crashing  2022.

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